Wednesday 23 November 2011

Jack Osborn - Tardis

Description: A low poly Tardis from the latest doctor who series complete with diffuse, normal and ambient occlusion maps.

Thanks to the comment and tip from Fraser I've added a specular colour map to my model which really gives it a new dimension in colour and detail, and overall looks more realistic. Thanks Fraser ;)


  1. Looks nice and tidy man, I also like the idea of making the Tardis. I can't see the specular having any real effect on the render however, what the guys here do for specular is use an adjusted diffuse map as specular colour and intensity, as ofcourse the specularity on blue paint would be blue in colour, I've found it also helps enhance the details in the textures. Though this all depends on what sort level of realism you might be aiming for. Anyhow, I like it!

  2. Thanks mate I'll try that! always good to get some industry feedback ;)

  3. oo thats an interesting trick there dude. thnx for that tip. I shall be stealing that idea. Nice work there jack :D. To make this effing cool get u cud turn on the light on the tardis just for added effect really...simple glow material will do the job me thinks. saves on render time :D

  4. Thanks mate, How exactly do you do that, what type of map would that be?
