Tuesday 13 December 2011

Jack Osborn - Resonator Acoustic Guitar

Description - This was a model I created for a Uni project 3 years ago, my first real dedicated modelling project. Some of the modelling techniques like using booleans aren't exactly advisable but really worked for me when creating the holes in the guitars metal grill.


  1. Looks good man, really like this model, and the renders too! I guess the challenge behind using boolean here (there was no other option tbh) was to ensure it didn't affect the normals of the surfaces in question and I think it has come out very well.

  2. Thanks mate, yeah I remember struggling with keeping the normals nice and proper and it would of been really obvious if they had gone wrong because the reflections and refractions would have been all messed up.

  3. Wow, neat model, I really like the plate with the holes in it.
